

Art and design by Jim LePage

Posts in Blog
Word: Habakkuk

Habakkuk was a man with questions. Specifically, questions for God. Back in the Old Testament days, people didn't openly question God all that much. You never know when you may ask the wrong question and you'll be turned to salt or the earth will open up and swallow you, y'know? But God actually responds (sort of) to Habakkuk's questions and engages him in a dialogue.

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Word: Nahum

Have you ever been so mad at someone that you actually spend your free time thinking of creative ways to weave words together and get the most violent verbal impact? Meet Nahum, the king of the verbal assault. Even though his book is just 3 chapters long, Nahum has some of the most brutal put downs I've ever read. I'm not talking about "your mama's so fat" jokes either. Nahum is a straight up hater. I would never want to get on this dude's bad side.

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Speaking at The Kiln

For those of you in the Twin Cities area, I'll be doing a short presentation about my Word project at The Kiln, an art event on Monday, October 25 at 7:00 p.m. My part will only be around 10-15 minutes, but there will also be 3 other artists presenting.

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Word: Micah

During Micah's time, the Israelites are enjoying an economic boom. Trade and commerce are flourishing and people are getting rich. Sounds like a good thing, right? Except that the rich are getting rich at the expense of the poor getting poorer. Wealthy folks are taking land from small farmers and peasants and building gated communities with swimming pools and putting greens in every backyard (OK, I'm not positive on that last part).

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33 Down, 33 to Go

I didn't even realize it until recently, but with this week's Micah design, we're halfway through the Bible. 33 done, 33 to go! When I started, I honestly didn't know if I'd stick with this, but at the halfway point I feel pretty confident that I'll make it to Revelation (the book, not the event). I have to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who has supported this project by posting about it on their site, sharing it on Twitter and Facebook, asking for and buying prints, sending me encouraging messages and leaving comments on the site. You have made this project really awesome.

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Word Leftovers: Genesis 2

More leftovers this week! If I use exclamation points, I think that might actually make you excited for leftovers! I really hope it's working! Genesis has so many great stories, I could probably do 66 weeks just on that book. The original Genesis design dealt with Adam and Eve's first fashion show and the second design was on Joseph's sweet Zoot suit (there's a lot of clothing passages in Genesis, huh?). This time around we're looking at the world's first garden.

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