

Art and design by Jim LePage

Write Now

Dear People,

Recently I've been thinking about how I used to write more. During my Word project, I was writing at least once a week. I really enjoyed it (and people seemed to enjoy reading it), but the project ended and without that focused motivation, writing fell off my radar. 

I want to start writing again. And I'm publicly telling you I want to start writing again because that will help me start writing again. (Yes, I know how sad that sounds.)

Assuming I stick with it (and I invite you to hold me accountable), you'll start to see more posts on my blog. I'll also mix in some past writings I did for interviews as well as posting new artwork.

While I have thoughts on what I want to write about, I'd love to know what you want to hear from me. Are you interested in what I have to say about art? Faith? Creativity? Or is reading this post already too much Jim?

Please hit me up on Twitter or in the comments below and let me know.
